How to Score a Job in Germany

Looking for your first job in Germany? Or looking to expand your network for your next job? Here are 4 steps to find a job in Germany.


I know, you’ve heard it before – but it really does work. Spend some time searching for events and networking groups for the industry you want to work in. Get added to their email distribution list and never say no to an event. When you’re at the event, get to know the leaders of the group and find out when the next event will be – maybe even volunteer to help. At each event, make sure you leave with at least 5 new contacts. Connect with them on Xing or LinkedIn and then meet them in person for coffee or lunch.

Update Your CV

The German CV is most likely formatted much differently than the CVs from your country. It includes a headshot of yourself and other personal information. Do a search on Google for images of CVs in Germany for the industry you want to work in (hint: type it in German to get better examples). Find a few that you like and update your CV to match them. Keep it clean, concise, professional and short. Most people only glance at CVs and you want to be able to get their attention quickly. Also, don’t forget to save it as a PDF before you send it off.

Key Companies

Job boards can be a great place to find job postings but you may end up spending several hours searching them. One tip is to find companies you’d like to work for and bookmark their career site and check them once a week. Companies tend to post jobs on their career section of their website before they push it out to job boards such as Indeed/StepStone. Go one step further and create a profile on these companies’ portals so you are in their system.

Market Yourself

Keep in mind when you are looking for a job, you are marketing yourself. Make sure you have privacy settings on your social media, have your LinkedIn and Xing profiles updated and make sure all of your communication is free of mistakes. Sell yourself by explaining what you have accomplished in prior positions and what you are able to do for the company you are applying for.

Finding your first job in Germany or expanding your network can take time. Be patient but be strategic and consistent.

What are methods that have worked for you? Please let us know!